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The Schools Reviving Shop Class Offer a Hedge Against the AI Future

Hands-on skills are staging a comeback at leading-edge districts, driven by high college costs and demand for more career choices


Randy Johnson: The case for public technical colleges in Colorado

For those who envision a higher education journey to reach their ultimate goals, technical colleges are not stopping points; they are starting points


"We can have what they owe"

Why more young people are choosing trades over going to college

Urgent Need For Blue-Collar Revival: Shift Mindsets, Invest In Skills

The workforce is at a critical crossroads. While attention often focuses on the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), automation, and tech careers, a growing skills gap in essential sectors—plumbing, welding, electrical work, and HVAC services—is becoming a national crisis. 

America’s New Millionaire Class: Plumbers and HVAC Entrepreneurs

Private equity is pouring money into skilled-trade small businesses; ‘Next thing you know, you’re running an empire’


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