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About Us

BPI supports Colorado's under-resourced young adults by providing financial assistance to eliminate the barriers standing in the way of financial independence and meaningful careers.  In addition, through grants we are building an integrated network of nonprofit partners to provide end-to-end services supporting the journey of disadvantaged students from high school through post-secondary education and employment. 

Eliminating the barriers to success

In-need students are often hindered by various challenges that impede their progress towards establishing financial stability and successful careers. Often under-skilled and facing difficult choices on meeting basic needs, these young adults need access to in-demand skills and certifications that can quickly lead to a living wage and a meaningful career. 
In addition to the scholarships we offer, BPI provides grants to nonprofit partners that deliver critical wrap-around services like transportation, childcare, language support, and mentoring.  By bolstering collaboration and coordination among different organizations, we can amplify our impact, expand the range of services offered, and create a seamless journey for students in need as they navigate through critical milestones on their path to career success.

How BPI helps students in need

Supporting students

 A four-year college experience isn't for everyone, but gaining post-secondary skills are essential to gain access a living wage and meaningful career opportunities.  BPI is committed to making a positive impact on our community by ensuring that Colorado's under-resourced graduating high school students have access to quality education and career opportunities, with a particular focus on career and technical education (CTE). We provide scholarships to graduating high school seniors with a financial need, interested in pursuing certifications, associate degrees, and apprenticeships in skills-based fields. 

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Our Mission
Team working together

Supporting Nonprofit Partners

Our community is fortunate to have a variety of nonprofits providing solutions to many of the barriers that financially challenged young adults face between high school, post-secondary education and gaining meaningful employment.  However, there are gaps between these organizations due to lack of funding or resources.

Through grants and financial support, we are building an integrated network of nonprofits partners to provide end-to-end services supporting the journey of disadvantaged students.

If you are a nonprofit providing services to support young adults, reach out and join our partner network.


Our Board of Directors

Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

Our board of directors is composed of dedicated individuals who are passionate about providing access to education for all. We believe that the impact of a skills-based education is immeasurable, and we are committed to continuing to provide this type of experience to those who need it most.

Support Our Mission

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